Tuesday 9 March 2010

Reasons to be cheerful.

Lots really. Have decided to get over myself and just roll with it. No, actually, not 'roll with it' - rather, make a concerted effort to enjoy life and be grateful for the good.

To this end, I have made that gigantic and terrifying leap from SMOKER to NON SMOKER. We love this.

I definately have more energy, though I do feel dizzy a lot of the time too, and vague. Not eating a grotesque amount of food though, so this is good. Allan Carr is the man. Not sure if I believe everything he says but I just went with it.

I had a sort of ephinany last week during my lunch break. I was sitting on a bench outside Asda, smoking a fag (I know, classy) and I looked at myself and it wasn't pretty. This was not the way it was supposed to be - there was concrete, newspapers and rubbish flying about - there was a tree, a big one, a plane I think, but it had been butchered so it looked like an amputee victim - at it's base, some moron, presumably from the local council had concreted it in and I spent the whole time wondering how on earth this poor tree got anything to drink. Then I started thinking that I was like that tree. Rooted to the spot and suffocating myself. It wasn't a happy comparison.

So anyway, I did it. Just stopped the following day while reading the Allan Carr book. I know this is going to make me sound deluded, because it's only been a few days, but I feel younger, and more than that, I think I look healthier- my skin is brighter. I am happier, definately.

I felt that some sort of reward was in order so a pair of perfect silver earrings have been purchased in celebration and I'm wearing them every day. They were £20 and I know that I shouldn't have, but what the hell they made me really happy. They are divinely chunky little hoops, with a tiny fat heart hanging off them (I've made them sound horribly tacky - they are actually very sweet).

Going back to my list of things to make my life better too - I now have two bags of herb seeds. I haven't planted them yet, but I've looked at them a lot and thought about it. This is progress.

Life is moving forward. Baby steps. There's going to be some writing too. Book Three, Screenplay. It's going to happen. And soon.


  1. Yay! Glad you are feeling more positive. XX

  2. Thanks so much, yes feeling much more upbeat. How's you though sweetie? x

  3. Hope things are ok for you and you're surviving house move/job etc. If you're still not smoking through all that - brill. If you are - there's always a next time when you're more settled.
    Anyway, just wanted to drop by and say hi.


  4. Good luck with giving up smoking - I'm trying to do the same with caffeine - for health reasons - and am definitely starting to feel better for it. The earrings sound divine and everyone needs a treat every now and then. Nice to meet you and will drop by.
